A blogging mama who loves to cook and do crafts.


February 2, 2013

2013 Resolutions :)

I have not started blogging like I have wanted to. However, I have been busy. I have made some new meals and some crafts.
January is always seems to be a busy month. We start to whine down from the hectic holiday's. Then throw in a New Years resolution.
Why oh why do I make New Years Resolutions every year?!? No, I can't be normal and make one or an anti-Resolution person. I make multiple :) it's fun, crazy and tiring so why not.
This year's Resolutions...
.Lose 20 #lbs ( I lost 22 in 2012)
.Try new recipes
.Craft atleast once a month
.Make new friends and cherish they ones I have
.Do more random acts of kindness
.Be more adventurous
.Make a meal plan
Yes, I know that is just way too much. It will only be 2013 once right.
What are your New Year Resolutions?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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